Contruction Progress Archive

(photos moved here from the home page)

Conditions requiring attention

Track | Stadium Area | Football Field | Tennis Courts | Baseball Fields | Locker Rooms


Track surface has areas worn down to asphalt

Paint is worn away

Pole Vault runway cracked and worn to asphalt

Long Jump pit borders are disintegrating

Long Jump pit pic 2


Long Jump
More Pics to Come

Pole Vault

Shot / Discus
Stadium Area
"Home" Bleacher structure showing surface rust Posts heaving out of the ground Gates have separated and cannot be latched Bathrooms & Concessions are over 50 yards away from bleachers Irrigation that has surpassed life expectancy

Stadium light controls are located under bleachers

Track Fence

More Pics to Come

Continual crack issues

Tennis Courts
More Pics to come    
Baseball & Softball

Close proximity to JV baseball field to stadium bleachers & soccer field.

Due to the lack of safety netting, soccer and track events cannot occur during baseball games.

(Home side)
Varsity softball "dugouts" at Toynton Park. We are the only school in the conference without dugouts.

(Visitors side)
Varsity softball "dugouts" at Toynton Park. We are the only school in the conference without dugouts.
More Pics to come  

Devils Lane Baseball Field

Toynton Softball Field

JV Baseball Field

JV Softball Field
Football & Practice Field

Uneven football/soccer field due to heavy use

Uneven football/soccer field due to heavy use

Uneven football/soccer field due to heavy use

Bare spots on practice field

Bare spots on practice field

Bare spots on practice field

Bare spots on practice field

Football / Soccer Field
More Pics to Come        
Locker Rooms

East Gym locker group showers

Three shower stations with three faucets
(men & women identical)
East Gym lockers

Only one semi-private stall in each space
(men & women identical)
More Pics to come        

updated March 18, 2019