(updated 12/20/23)

Frequently Asked Questions


Please read the following questions, or feel free to email us with other questions you may have.

Q1. Why do the tennis courts need to be replaced?

A1. The tennis courts were built of asphalt in 2000. Like our WI roads, the freezing and thawing causes cracks and damage to asphalt over time. The courts have been crack-repaired/resurfaced numerous times, most recently in 2019. Since then, those cracks have worked their way back, and now are interfering with play and becoming dangerous in spots.

We could just resurface them again, but would need to do so approximately every 3-5 years as the cracks in the foundation of asphalt will never go away.

Q2. How often do the courts get used? 

A2. From the time the snow melts and before it falls again, the tennis courts are used virtually every day

· Big Foot / Williams Bay Boy's Tennis Team: March thru May
· Big Foot / Williams Bay Girl's Tennis Team: August through October
· BFHS Physical Education Dept: Tennis and Pickleball Gym Classes
· Big Foot Recreation District: Spring/Summer/Fall Youth & Adult Lessons
· Area Residents: Daily Pickup Pickleball & Tennis Games

Q3. How are the courts going to get paid for?

A3. In addition to this fundraising campaign, BFHS started a facilities maintenance fund 5 years ago, and will use some funds from that, called Fund 46.  The community education Fund 80 will also be used, as will an insurance claim from wind damage to our windscreens and fencing.  Finally, the last of the one-time ESSER funds will complete the project.

Q4. What is the significance of these new "post-tensioned concrete" courts verses asphalt courts?

A4. As you are aware with the roads in our area, asphalt will crack over time. Post-tensioned concrete provides an strong surface that is less likely to crack and will have a greater lifespan.